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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月1日 杨祝玲


     【摘 要】目的:探讨电话随访对冠心病患者住院频率的影响,揭示电话随访对冠心病患者的重要性。方法:选取冠心病患者80人,其中38人未进行电话随访为对照组,42人经过电话回访为随访组。统计一年内每位患者的住院次数及每组患者的住院总次数,再计算出一年内每组患者的人均住院次数,即住院频率,然后比较两组患者住院频率的高低。结果:两组患者住院频率比较,随访组的住院频率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:电话随访可明显降低冠心病患者的住院频率。


    【中图分类号】R541.4 【文章编号】1004-7484(2014)06-3429-02

    Influence of Phone Call Following-up on Frequency of Hospitalization of

    Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

    YANG Zhuling

    (Department of Medicine, the Second People's Hospital Haihua General Hospital, Hu’nan Province, Haihua 418000, China)

    【Abstract】Objective:To explore influence of phone call following-up on frequency of hospitalization of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD), so as to reveal the importance of following-up by telephone to CHD patients. Methods:80 CHD patients were selected. And they were divided into control group including 38 cases without following-up and following-up group including 42 ones ......
