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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月1日 陶萍


     【摘 要】目的:探讨执行医嘱提示卡在护理工作中的应用效果。方法:护士应用执行医嘱提示卡执行医嘱工作制。比较执行医嘱提示卡工作模式前后病人满意度、护士满意度和医生满意度。结果:应用执行医嘱提示卡工作模式后病人满意度、护士满意度和医生满意度均较应用前提高,应用前后比较,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论:应用执行医嘱提示卡不仅使病人得到实时、有效的护理,而且减轻护士劳动强度,值得在临床推广应用。


    【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1004-7484(2014)06-3618-02

    【Abstract】Objectives:To investigate the effect of medical order note cards in nursing service.medical order note cards was designed as a mobile nursing station with the functions of nursing performing, treatment, records writing. A comparison was conducted between pre-use and post-use of medical order note cards in respect of patient′s satisfaction, nurse′s satisfaction and doctor′s satisfaction. Results:The levels of patient′s, nurse′s and doctor′s satisfaction after use of medical order note cards were significantly higher than those before its use (P < 0 ......
