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【摘 要】目的:通过对护士长夜查房制和护理总值班制度对护理质量督查后的情况分析,了解两组方式对夜间、节假日护理质量的督促、改进情况。结果:通过实行护理总值班制度,医院夜间、节假日等薄弱环节的护理质量如病房管理、危重病人管理、护理技术操作、危机应对和紧急情况处理方面均有明显改善。结论:护理总值班制度有利于加强护理安全,保障节假日、夜班时段护理安全。
【中图分类号】R426 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2014)07-4119-02
【Abstract】Goal Through analysising nursing inspection quality on night matron’s rounds and nusing general duty system , understand the supervision and improvement on night and holiday nursing quality of the two groups. Results Through the implementation of total nursing duty system, the weak link in hospital include night and holiday duty such as ward management, management of critically ill patients ......