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http://www.100md.com 2019年2月1日 《中国保健营养》 20192
     【摘 要】心内科老年患者中患有高血压、冠心病的患者人数较多,且这两种疾病均为导致心源性猝死的重要原因,另外,患者情绪激动,进行剧烈运动等也会增加患者发生心源性猝死的概率。在患者住院治疗期间,应当加强对患者生命体征、病情情况的监测,同时对各类危险因素积极做好预防措施,以使患者生命安全得到更好的保障。在心内科老年患者进行治疗的过程中,应该对酗酒、吸烟、情绪以及运动等可控因素进行良好的控制,并且严格检测患者的生命体征,以尽量降低患者的心源性猝死发生率。


    【中图分类号】R54 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1004-7484(2019)02-0092-02

    【Abstract】There are many elderly patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease in the Department of cardiology, and these two diseases are important causes of sudden cardiac death. In addition, patients'emotional excitement and vigorous exercise also increase the probability of sudden cardiac death. During the period of hospitalization, we should strengthen the monitoring of patients'vital signs and condition ......

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