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http://www.100md.com 2019年10月1日 《中国保健营养》 201910

    关键词: 包皮内板加包皮外板剔除术;包皮环切术;包茎;包皮过长

    【中图分类号】 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-7484(2019)10-0174-02

    Clinical analysis of treatment of Phimosis and redundant

    prepuce with inner prepuce and outer prepuce

    Liu Zhong Sartu District people's hospital Daqing (163001)

    OBJECTIVE:to explore the clinical effect of removing the inner prepuce and outer prepuce for the treatment of Phimosis and redundant prepuce. METHODS:50 patients with Phimosis and redundant prepuce were randomly divided into study group (internal prepuce plus external prepuce)and Control Group(traditional circumcision).Results:There was no significant difference between the Study Group and the Control Group in postoperative pain score ......

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