本实验建立的TaqMan PCR扩增大肠杆菌O157:H7 -rfbE基因来检测大肠杆菌O157:H7的方法不仅灵敏性高、特异性好、检测周期短、检测结果准确、稳定,而且操作简便,可应用于食品微生物的快速检验,而且成本低,具有较大的推广及应用价值。
4 参考文献
[1] Griffin PM, RV Tauxe.The epidemlology of infections caused by Esehriehia Coli O157:H7. other enterohemorrhagic E.coli,and the associated hemolytic uremic syndrome[J].Epidemiol Rev,1991,13(1):60-98.
[2] Ony J,Zhe L,Robins Browne R.Prevalence of verocytotoxigenieEshehefiehia coil serotype Ol,I:H7 in children with diarrhoea attendingaSydney hospital[J].Jpaediatr Child Health,1993。29(3):185—187.
[3] 徐建国.一种出血性大肠杆菌的PCR检测方法[J].中华医学杂志,1995,l8(2):225.
[4] 王崇玉.O157:H7病原体及临床检测技术的应用[J].中华医学丛刊杂志,2002,ll(2):33.
[5]Livak KJ,Flood SAJ,Marmaro J, et al. Oligonucleotides with fluorescent dyes at opposite ends provide a quenched probe system useful for detecting PCR product and nucleic acid hybridization PCR. Methods Applicat, 1995,4:357-362.
[6J Mckee—ML,Obriem—AD,Lnvestlgation of enterohemorrhagic E~herichiacoli O157:H7 adherence eharaeterlstics and invasion potential reveals a llew attachment patten ahered by intestinal E.coli[J].Infect Immun,1995。63(5):2070—2074.
[7] L J R vanelden, M nijhuis. Simultaneous Detection of Influenza Viruses A and B using Real-time Quantitative PCR[J].clinical Micromology,2001,196-200.
作者简介:徐德顺(1967—),男,主管技师,学士。(收稿日期:2008-12-02), 百拇医药(徐德顺 沈月华 程平庆)
4 参考文献
[1] Griffin PM, RV Tauxe.The epidemlology of infections caused by Esehriehia Coli O157:H7. other enterohemorrhagic E.coli,and the associated hemolytic uremic syndrome[J].Epidemiol Rev,1991,13(1):60-98.
[2] Ony J,Zhe L,Robins Browne R.Prevalence of verocytotoxigenieEshehefiehia coil serotype Ol,I:H7 in children with diarrhoea attendingaSydney hospital[J].Jpaediatr Child Health,1993。29(3):185—187.
[3] 徐建国.一种出血性大肠杆菌的PCR检测方法[J].中华医学杂志,1995,l8(2):225.
[4] 王崇玉.O157:H7病原体及临床检测技术的应用[J].中华医学丛刊杂志,2002,ll(2):33.
[5]Livak KJ,Flood SAJ,Marmaro J, et al. Oligonucleotides with fluorescent dyes at opposite ends provide a quenched probe system useful for detecting PCR product and nucleic acid hybridization PCR. Methods Applicat, 1995,4:357-362.
[6J Mckee—ML,Obriem—AD,Lnvestlgation of enterohemorrhagic E~herichiacoli O157:H7 adherence eharaeterlstics and invasion potential reveals a llew attachment patten ahered by intestinal E.coli[J].Infect Immun,1995。63(5):2070—2074.
[7] L J R vanelden, M nijhuis. Simultaneous Detection of Influenza Viruses A and B using Real-time Quantitative PCR[J].clinical Micromology,2001,196-200.
作者简介:徐德顺(1967—),男,主管技师,学士。(收稿日期:2008-12-02), 百拇医药(徐德顺 沈月华 程平庆)