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http://www.100md.com 2018年10月1日 《健康大视野》 2018年第19期
     【摘 要】春季是万物复苏的季节,也是一年之中开始的季节,俗话说:“一年之计在于春”。养生专家根据自然界四季变化对人体脏腑气血的影响,提出了一个重要的养生原则即:“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”。本文从中医理论讨论春季养生的原则及重要性。《内经》有言:“春三月,此谓发陈”,提示我们在立春之后要养阳气的升发。且春生夏长秋收冬藏,春三月养生,尤其要着眼在“生”上。所谓“生”,从广义来讲,即是指人体的生命力和生机;从狭义来说,肝木主生,生即是肝木升发之性,肝应于春天,故讲养生,即是养春天的肝木之气。春三月,重在顺应木气升发,以养木为根本。木性升发,喜散恶收,喜动恶静,喜阳恶阴。以下从起居、饮食、运动、精神等几个方面讨论春天的养生。立春之后,木气升发,春季养生,要顺应春天阳气生发、万物始生的特点,顺应天时变化,使木气和畅,则百病不生。因春属木,与肝相应,所以春季养生主要是养肝。且春天养生当以缓以松为主,忌剧烈运动和紧张愤怒;适当吃些辛散的食物,如葱姜蒜之类,使阳气升发;当于晴好天气适当运动,走出户外,多晒晒太阳;适当伸展肢体,因为肝主筋,春天也是养筋的好时节。
, http://www.100md.com
    【关键词】春季; 养生;中医

    Abstract: spring is the season of rebirth and the beginning of the year. According to the influence of the four seasons’ changes on the human body, the health experts put forward an important principle of health preservation: “keeping Yang in spring and summer, keeping Yin in autumn and winter”. This paper discusses the principles and importance of spring health maintenance from the theory of Chinese medicine. “Neijing” said: “spring march, this call hair Chen”, remind us to raise Yang qi after the beginning of spring. And summer long autumn harvest winter Tibet, spring march health, especially to focus on “health”. The so-called “life”, in a broad sense, refers to the vitality and vitality of the human body; From narrow sense, liver wood advocate living, living is the nature that liver wood lifts hair, liver should be in spring, talk about health, it is the qi of liver wood that raises spring namely.Spring and march, in response to the gas to rise to the root of wood. The growth of the wood, like scattered bad harvest, like motion bad static, like Yang bad Yin. The following from living, diet, exercise, spirit and other aspects of the discussion of spring health. After the beginning of spring, the growth of wood qi, spring health, to adapt to the characteristics of spring yangqi growth, all things beginning to live, to adapt to the time of change, so that wood qi smooth, and no disease. Because spring is wood, and liver corresponding, so spring health is mainly nourishing the liver. And spring health should be mainly slow and loose, avoid strenuous exercise and intense anger; Eat some xin SAN food, such as scallion, ginger and garlic, so that Yang qi lift; When you exercise in fine weather, go outside and get some sun. Stretch your limbs properly, because liver muscle, spring is also a good time for toning.

    Key words: spring, health maintenance, Chinese medicine.

    【中圖分类号】R193 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-0019(2018)19--01

    春季是万物复苏的季节,也是一年之中开始的季节,俗话说:“一年之计在于春”。养生专家根据自然界四季变化对人体脏腑气血的影响,提出了一个重要的养生原则即:“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”。特别是在阳光明媚、鸟语花香的春天,走出家门,饱揽青山绿水、风景名胜,感受大自然的情趣,是最好的精神调养方法。, 百拇医药(刘娇媚)
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