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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月1日 宋爱玲 兰智新 曾奕明


     【摘要】目的 模拟睡眠呼吸暂停慢性缺氧/再氧合探索其对肾脏组织结构影响。方法20只ICR小鼠分对照组、实验组,每组各10只。将实验组小鼠置于间断性缺氧箱中,每天8h,连续30d后进行取肾皮质部,采用光镜和透射电镜检查。结果 (1)实验组与对照组大体标本无明显区别。(2)光镜下:对照组均未见明显异常改变。实验组8/10见肾小管上皮细胞肿胀、空泡、颗粒变性,主要表现为近曲小管的病理改变,3/10见肾小管坏死。(2)透射电镜下肾脏超微结构改变:对照组均未见异常改变。实验组均有不同程度的肾小球上皮细胞足突融合、电子致密物质增加; 8/10的实验组可见不同程度的系膜区增宽、5/10有系膜细胞及基质增生,8/10实验组小鼠发现肾小管上皮水肿,呈细胞电子密度下降改变。同时9/10实验组小鼠见肾小管上皮细胞次级溶酶体明显增多。结论研究发现慢性缺氧/再氧合可引起肾小球上皮细胞足突融合,肾小管上皮次级溶酶体增多、细胞变性,主要为近曲小管的病理改变,并可见部分肾小管坏死。这可能是SAS肾损害的病理基础。

    【关键词】慢性间断性缺氧 肾 组织结构 睡眠呼吸紊乱


    Effect of Hypoxia/Reoxygenation In The Structure of Mice Kidney


    (1Department of Respiratory Medicine,People’s Hospital of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Changji, Xinjiang, 831100;2Department of Cardiac-thoracic Surgery,The PLA 474 Hospital, Urumqi, Xinjiang830013; 3Department of Respiratory Medicine,The Second Affiliated Hospital Of Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou,Fujian, 362000)

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of chronic hypoxia/reoxygenation mimickingsleep apnea syndrome in thestructure of mice kidney . Methods20 Male ICR mice were divided into two groups : study group,exposed in chronic intermittent hypoxia chamber 8hours per dayfor 30days; control group, exposed in the similar chamber under atmospheric air flow. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light microscope were applied to observe the renal structure. Results(1) No abnormal changes of color and morphous in the whole specimen were found between study group and control group. (2) Light microscope : No abnormal structural changes were found control in sham hypoxia groups. Pathological changes mainly appeared in proximal convoluted tubule. Swelling 、vacuolar degeneration and granular degeneration were found in epithelial cells of renal tubule in 8 cases in test group, Necrosises were foundin 3 cases in test group. (3) Ultrastructural changes in kidney: no abnormal ultrastractural changes were found in control group; increased in electron-opaque in basememt membrane and foot process fusion were demonstrated in all 10cases of test group, but 2 in sham group ;expansion of mesangium area were found in 8 cases in test group and 3in sham group, hyperplasia of mesangium cells and matrix deposit of collagen were found in 5cases; 8 cases show decrease in electron opacity in renal tubular epithelial cell ;secondary lysosome were notably increased in 9 cases ......
