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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2010年第11期
     【摘要】目的 追踪多次食管静脉结扎的肝硬化病人食管静脉曲张程度改变情况。方法 对52例行2次以上胃镜结扎手术(EVL)的食管静脉曲张病人进行手术前后曲张静脉的的长度、直径变化进行统计。结果 长度结扎前平均15.56公分,结扎后平均11.16公分,t检验P<0.01。直径结扎前:Ⅳ度43例,Ⅲ度9例,结扎后Ⅳ度10例,Ⅲ度20例,Ⅱ度12例,Ⅰ度4例,完全消失6例,t检验P<0.01,均有非常显著性差异;同时显示静脉曲张程度的改变与结扎次数、点数呈正相关。结论 EVL是治疗和预防食管曲张静脉破裂出血的有效方法,连续多次、多点结扎能有效控制食管静脉曲张,达到根治的目的。

    【关键词】肝硬化 食管静脉曲张 结扎


    Repeatedly by endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices treatment of 52 cases on track

    YI Feng, YI Rende

    The Third People Hospital of Hengyang City

    【Abstract】Objective To track the number of cirrhotic patients variceal ligation of esophageal varices to change the situation. Methods 52 routine endoscopic ligation had 2 or more (EVL) of esophageal varices in patients before and after varicose vein surgery length, diameter changing statistics. Results The mean length of 15.56 cm ligation, after ligation of the average 11.16 cm, t test P \u0026lt;0.01. Diameter before ligation: Ⅳ degrees 43 cases, Ⅲ degree in 9 cases, 10 cases after ligation of grade Ⅳ, Ⅲ degree in 20 cases, Ⅱ and 12 cases, Ⅰ in 4 cases, completely disappeared in 6 cases, t test P \u0026lt;0.01, both very significant difference; also shows the degree of change and ligation of varicose veins number of points were positively correlated. Conclusion EVL is the treatment and prevention of esophageal variceal bleeding and effective way, on several occasions, more effective in controlling esophageal variceal ligation to achieve the purpose of cure. ......

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