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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2010年第12期
     【摘要】目的 解决被情绪控制的门诊患者投拆的难点及应对策略。方法 分析我院09年1-12月门诊的256例投拆原因,有针对性改进应对策略。结果被情绪控制的患者投拆最多,占35.16%。结论 管理部门要变被动服务为主动服务,提高医务人员的压力管理能力;把焦点放在解决问题上;提供必要的支持系统强化医护人员沟通的效果。

    【关键词】门诊患者 投拆 压力管理 应对策略 支持系统


    Analysis and prevention of patient confliction in outpatient services

    SUN Ping , WU Jun

    【Abstract】Objective The author analyzes the reasons of patient confliction and suggests prevention.Methods This article analyzes that 256 patient confliction on outpatient sevvices during 2009 in The Second Hosptial of Dalian Medical University. Result First reason is patient with disposition from stress or emotion , account for 35.16 per cent , Second reason is conscientiousness, Third reason is service attitude. Conclusion The author believes that transferring passive service to active services , enhancing education of one's abilities, especially the ability to perform well under pressure . Developing hospital culture with “trouble-shooting”. Providing the necessary support system for the staff of hospital to strengthening the communications effect in outpatient management. ......

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