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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月1日 宋祖玲 王 灿 吴 林


     【摘要】目的 了解双流县农村妇女中宫颈癌的发病情况,对监测对象宫颈癌进行早期发现、早期诊断;进一步探索适合基层的宫颈癌检查服务模式。方法 对双流县9个镇35-59岁妇女共16018名,采用巴氏涂片的方法进行宫颈癌筛查;并对初筛异常的1651人进行阴道镜检查;其中阴道镜检查异常的813人,行阴道镜下宫颈组织病理学检查。结果16018名免费检查的妇女中,宫颈癌前病变(CIN)共45人,患病率为0.28%;检出宫颈鳞状细胞癌1例,患病率为6.24/10万。CIN1-CIN3的发病高峰年龄为35-45岁性生活较活跃的妇女。三星镇发病率较高,黄甲、华阳、白沙镇次之。结论 宫颈癌及癌前病变的发生已经有年轻化的趋势,可能与个人健康意识,性卫生,地理环境污染等有关。妇女宫颈癌筛查是早期发现宫颈癌前病变(CIN)和宫颈癌的重要措施。

    【关键词】农村妇女 宫颈癌 筛查 分析


    The result analysis of cervical cancer screening among 16018 women in Shuangliu County

    Song Zuling, Wang Can, Wu Lin

    (Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shuangliu county, Chengdu, Sichuan 610200)

    【Abstract】Objective To clarify the cervix cancer incidence of Shuangliu County for early diagnose of cancer and to further explore the suitable service pattern for cervix cancer screening. Methods Papanicolaou smear test was conducted to 16018 women (35 to 59 years old) for cervical cancer screening in Shuangliu County. A total of 1651 cases with abnormal cervical smear were taken colposcopy, and then 813 of them received biopsy. Results 45 of 16018 cases were diagnosed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN)(0.28%), and only one was diagnosed cervical squamous cell carcinoma (6.24/100000). The highest incidence was in the age of 35-45 with frequent sexual behavior. Sanxing Town had the highest incidence rate, followed by Huangjia,Huayang and Baisha. Conclusion The occurrence of cervical cancer and precancerous lesion has the trend of rejuvenation, which is probably related to personal health awareness, sex hygiene and environmental pollution. Cervical cancer screening is an important measure in early detection of CIN and cervical cancer.

    【Key words】peasant womencervical cancer screening analysis


    1 资料及方法

    1.1 对象

    筛查对象:金桥镇、彭镇、黄甲镇、华阳镇、白沙镇、永安镇、永兴镇、三星镇、万安镇9个镇、双流县户籍、农业户口、35-59岁有性生活的16018 名妇女。

    1.2 检查方法与诊断标准

    国家重大公共卫生项目-农村妇女“两癌”检查项目-《农村妇女宫颈癌检查技术操作手册》的诊断标准 ......
