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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月1日 言 辉


     【摘要】目的 探讨社区护理干预对高血压患者危险因素知晓率和规范服药率的影响。方法 于2009年7月31日对社区75名高血压患者采用建档管理、分级干预、健康教育等措施实施干预,2010年8月1日对高血压病危险因素知晓率、不良生活行为改变率和规范服药率进行干预前后的比较及效果评价。结果 调查的高血压患者在干预前后高血压病高血压危险因素知晓率:5项防治知识平均分由社区干预前的40.7分提高到干预后的80.1分,P<0.01;高血压病人主要不良生活行为改变,低盐率由干预前的3.6%上升至干预后的43.3%,饮酒和吸烟人数下降,干预前后差异P<0.01;高血压病人能按医嘱正规服药者由干预前的17.3%提高至89.3%(P<0.001);干预前后高血压的降压有效率由46.7%升高至86.7%,其中显效率由12%升至53.3%,血压降至正常者35人占46.6%。结论 通过对高血压患者进行社区护理干预,有效提高了社区高血压病人危险因素知晓率和规范服药率,降低了高血压患者的血压,减少并发症的发生,进而提高高血压患者的健康水平,改善高血压患者的生活质量,保障社区居民的健康。

    【关键词】高血压 社区护理干预 危险因素知晓率 服药率


    【Abstract】Objective to investigate the community nursing intervention to hypertension risk factors awareness and regulating the influence of medicine rate. Methods in 2009 July 31 for community 75 hypertensive patients using file management, grading intervention, health education measures implementation intervention, August 1, 2010 to hypertension risk factors awareness, adverse life behavior change rate and standardizing drug rate were compared before and after the intervention and effect assessment. Results: the investigation in hypertensive patients before and after the intervention hypertension hypertension risk factors witting rate: five prevention knowledge score by community intervention before it points to raise the interention 80.1 points, P< 0.01, Hypertension patients major adverse life behavior change, low-salt rate by intervention of 3.6% rose to intervention before the 43.3%, drinking and smoking a decline, before and after the intervention difference (P< 0.01), Hypertension patients can the orders by regular medication before increase to 17.3% of intervention declines at (P< 0.001), Before and after the intervention of the hypotensive efficiently by 46.7% hypertension, including elevated to 86.7% significant efficiency by decreasing blood pressure to 12%, fell to a 1.7-fold 46.6% 35 people accounted for. Conclusion through to hypertension patients community nursing intervention, and improves the community hypertensive patients risk factors awareness and regulate medication rate and reduce the hypertension in blood pressure, reduce complications, and improve the health of patients with hypertension, improve the quality of life of patients with hypertension, security community residents' health ......
