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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月1日 杨丽


     【摘要】目的 了解实习护生实习期间职业防护现状,探讨减少实习护生锐器伤的干预预防。方法 对2008-2009年162名实习护生实习结束进行锐器伤及职业防护知识问卷调查。结果 162名护生中,发生锐器伤的有134人次 发生的主要原因依次为:输液及注射结束拔针时、处置医疗废弃物时、手掰安瓿时和其他原因。2009年实习护生岗前医院感染职业防护相关知识培训,护生职业防护知识知晓率明显高于2008年的实习护生, 培训组87名中锐器伤 61人次, 锐器伤发生率45.52%,未培训组75名中锐器伤73人次 ,锐器伤发生率97.33%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);结论 实习护生锐器伤发生率高,锐器伤的发生与职业防护知识缺乏、防护意识淡漠,技术操作不熟练、不规范密切相关,加强实习护生职业暴露防护知识培训 ,规范操作行为, 开展有针对性的行为干预和效果评价, 是减少实习护生锐器伤发生的有效干预预防措施。

    【关键词】锐器伤 实习护生 干预预防

    中图分类号:R471 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)4-299-02

    【Abstract】Objective To practice occupational protection of nursing students during the current situation of student nurses to reduce intervention in the prevention of sharp injuries. Methods 162 2008-2009 ended the practice of nursing students knowledge of sharps injuries to occupational protection survey. The results of 162 nursing students, the occurrence of sharp injuries occurred in 134 of the main reasons people were: the end of infusion and injection needle injection, the disposal of medical waste, the hand when breaking ampoules and other reasons. 2009 nursing students in pre-job knowledge of hospital infection prevention training in vocational, occupational protection knowledge level of nursing students was higher than 2008 nursing students,Training group of 87 sharp injuries in 61 people, 45.52% incidence of sharp injuries, training group is not sharp injuries in 73 of 75 people, the incidence of sharp injuries 97.33%, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); Conclusions nursing students in the high incidence of sharp injuries, the incidence of sharp injuries and lack of knowledge of occupational protection, protective sense of apathy, technical operations, unskilled, non-standard is closely related to occupational exposure to nursing students to enhance protection knowledge training, standardized operation behavior, to develop targeted behavioral interventions and result assessment, is to reduce the occurrence of sharp injuries nursing students in the effective prevention interventions.

    【Key words】Sharp injuries Practical nurses Intervention to prevent

    我院近二年来锐器伤上报监测资料统计,实习护生锐器伤发生率高于本院临床医护人员,为了解实习护生在我院实习期间职业防护现状,并探讨减少实习护生锐器伤发生的有效措施,医院感染管理科对2008-2009年二年实习护生锐器伤发生率及职业防护现状进行调查,针对存在的危险因素对2009年87名护生进行了岗前医院感染职业防护相关知识培训 ......
