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http://www.100md.com 2011年8月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2011年第8期
     【摘要】目的 探讨在甲状腺手术时如何尽量减少出血,尽量保留甲状腺组织。方法 对32例甲状腺肿块病人采取间歇性阻断动脉血液流入状态下切除甲状腺肿块。结果 对32例甲状腺肿块病人采取阻断动脉血液流入状态下切除甲状腺肿块,出血量较常规手术方法明显减少,可以避免过多的不必要的甲状腺组织切除。临床观察效果好,无死亡病例。结论 采取间歇性阻断动脉血液流入状态下切除甲状腺肿块,可以减少出血,最大限度的保留甲状腺组织,降低了手术及术后并发症的发生率。值得临床推广。

    【关键词】间歇性阻断动脉血液流入 甲状腺肿块切除


    The summary in condition of discontinuous blocking the artery blood. in thyroidecotomy.

    【Abstract】Objective To evaluate how to reduce the intraoperative bleeding and reservse more thyroigenous tissue at the best in thyroidecotomy.Methods 32 cases thyroidecotomy were in condition of discontinuous blocking the artery blood.Results 32 cases thyroidecotomy were in condition of discontinuous blocking the artery blood.There were less intraoperative bleeding compared with regular surgery and more thyroigenous tissue can be reservsed. There were no operative death occurred and clinical result is better.Conclusion In condition of discontinuous blocking the artery blood in thyroidecotomycan can .reduce the intraoperative bleeding ,reservse more thyroigenous tissue at the best and can lower the incidence of operative complication.It is valuble for clinical spreading. ......
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