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http://www.100md.com 2011年8月1日 赵敏


     【摘要】目的 探讨母婴床旁护理模式对产妇及家属的影响,以指导产科护理工作。方法 将120对产妇分为实验组及对照组各60对,对照组按传统护理模式护理,而实验组实施母婴床旁护理模式(各项护理操作及健康教育由专科护士在床旁完成)。出院前统计两组产妇健康教育知识、护理技能掌握情况,调查产妇及家属对护理工作的满意度。结果 实验组产妇健康教育知识达标率及新生儿护理技能掌握情况均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);实验组产妇及家属对护理工作满意度也明显高于对照组 (P<0.05)。结论 采用母婴床旁护理模式可以提高护理工作满意度及护理工作质量,同时让产妇、家属掌握母婴保健知识与保健技能,提高了母婴生活质量。

    【关键词】产科 母婴护理 效果


    Maternal and infant to the bed the clinical effect of nursing mode

    ZHAO Min

    (Sichuan province in Guangyuan city maternity and child care centers 628000)

    【Abstract】Objective to explore the nursing of maternal and infant bed model and their family members, the influence of women in maternity care work. Guide Methods 120 maternal divided into the experimental group and control group and control group in the 60 to in the traditional mode, and the nursing care maternal and infant implementation by the bed nursing mode (the care and health education by the specialized subject operation nurse in the bed finish). Before discharge two groups of maternal health education statistics knowledge, nursing skills masters, survey and their family members in the nursing mothers to job satisfaction. Results the maternal health education knowledge and infants increase nursing skills master in much better than control group, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05);The experimental group mothers and families in the nursing job satisfaction was also higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion the maternal and infant to the bed can improve nursing care model job satisfaction and nursing quality, while the puerpera, families master knowledge and skills of maternal and infant health care, improving the maternal and infant health care quality of life.

    【key words】maternity Maternal and child health nurses effect


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 选取2010年3月~7月在我院产科分娩60对母婴为对照组,2010年8月~12月分娩的母婴60对为实验组。入选标准:①所有的产妇都是足月初产妇;②排除心、脑、肾等器官疾病及精神疾患;③所有患者意识清楚、沟通良好,且知情同意。两组产妇年龄、文化程度、孕周、分娩方式、住院时间等比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。

    1.2 方法

    1.2.1 实验组采取母婴床旁护理模式:婴儿的一般治疗及护理工作都安排在病房完成 ......
