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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2011年第10期
     【摘要】目的 总结诊断性肺泡灌洗术中的病情观察与护理经验。方法 对106例诊断性肺泡灌洗病人术前做好病情和心理状况评估,进行充分的术前准备,用2%利多卡因高频雾化吸入麻醉,术中进行密切的病情观察和采取相应的护理措施, 针对性做好预防工作, 使患者顺利完成整个灌洗过程。术后观察咳出物性状及呼吸、血压变化,注意有无术后出血、气胸、肺水肿等并发症发生。结果 术程顺利, 除2例因无法耐受检查而退出外, 其余病人均顺利完成灌洗术,成功率98.11%。术后无明显并发症发生。结论 充分的术前准备是肺泡灌洗术顺利完成的基本保证,术中严密观察和熟练配合是技术核心,重视术后工作是肺泡灌洗术不可缺少的重要护理内容。

    【关键词】肺泡灌洗术 护理


    Lavage in the diagnosis of the condition observation and nursing care

    Bai Fengxian Song Ailing

    (Xinjiang People's Hospital Respiratory Changji, Changji 831100)

    【Abstract】Objective To summarize the diagnostic lavage in condition observation and nursing experience. Methods 106 cases of diagnostic lavage good condition and preoperative psychological status assessment, adequate preoperative preparation, 2% lidocaine with high inhalation anesthesia, surgery for close observation and to take appropriate care measures, targeted preventive measures, so that patients successfully complete the entire irrigation process. Material properties were observed after the cough and breathing, blood pressure changes, watch for bleeding, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema and other complications occurred. Results process smoothly, only 2 cases due to inability to tolerate checks out, the remaining patients were successfully lavage, the success rate of 98.11%. No significant postoperative complications. Conclusion The adequate preoperative preparation is the lavage successful completion of the basic guarantee for surgery with close observation and skilled core of technology, emphasis on work lavage after an important and indispensable care content. ......

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