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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 《中国健康月刊·B版》 2011年第10期
     【摘要】对180例子子宫肌瘤、46例子宫腺肌病和40例子宫肌瘤合并子宫腺肌病的超声图像进行分析比较。结果 二者有很所相似之处,亦各具特征。文中讨论了子宫肌瘤、子宫腺肌病的图像特征。作者强调:B超诊断应根据自宫大小、形态、宫壁、病灶内部图像及后方回声等结合临床综合分析,重视子宫肌瘤与子宫肌腺病的鉴别。因子宫肌腺病常合并肌瘤及\或盆腔子宫内膜异位症等,故不应满足某种发现急于单一诊断,必要时TVS、TAS综合应用。

    【关键词】子宫 平滑肌瘤 腺肌病

    中图分类号:R445.14 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)10-357-02

    Ultrasonic Image Study for Patients with Hysteromyoma and Adenomyosis

    【Abstract】Ultrasonic examination of 180patinents with hysteromyoma,46cases with adenemyosis and 40cases with hysteromyoma combined with adenomyosis ,total 268cases accounted, were investigated and compared. There were some specific ultrasonographic characters presented depending on the tumor size ,shape ,location, thickness of the uterine wall and its internal and external abnormal changes, although some confusion might be occurred.It is important to refer other clinic informations , so that correct diagnosis can be made . Since adenomyosis usually comes with hysteromyoma and pelvic endometriosis , scanning by abdominal and vagina combined approaches aie necessary in case of dilemma problems encountered . ......
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