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【摘要】目的 了解辽南地区男性孕前生育健康状况。方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取辽南地区4个县(市)2 010名20~49岁男性进行生育健康状况调查。结果 家族史中有不良因素占20.9 %(420/2 008);三代内有近亲结婚者占 2.4 %(49/2 008);有疾病史者占 2.2 %(44/2 010);工作环境不良占45.6 %(915/2 010),其中接触农药工作者占9.2 %(184/2 010),从事出租车或长途运输工作者占8.9 %(178/ 2010),接触噪音工作者占7.9 %(158/2 008),从事接触铅、汞、鎘等重金属或化学物质工作者占6.7 %(134/2 008),其它工作环境不良者占13.2 %(265/2 010);一个月内补充营养素者仅占2.6 %(53/2 010),生活和行为方式不良者占86.1 %(1 729/2 010),其它吸烟、饮酒者均占40 %以上;2.5 %(50/2010)的患有生殖系统相关疾病。结论 加强宣传,采取措施,尽早全面开展男性孕前保健工作。
【关键词】男性 孕前 生理健康状况 调查
中图分类号:R169.1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2012)2-358-02
【Abstract】Objective To investigate major factors affecting preconceptional health of men of reproductive age in Liaoning Province. Methods A total of 2010 men aged 20~49 years in selected areas of Liaoning Province were interviewed using a structural questionnaire. Results A total of 20.9 % (420/2 008) of the participants reported a family history of risk factors. 2.4 % (49/2 008) of the participants had consanguineous marriages in their families. 2.2 % (44/2 010) of the participants had some illness with reproductive health significance. Occupational hazards was reported in 45.6 % (915/2 010) of the participants, of which 9.2 % (184/2 010) had pesticide exposure, 8.9 % (178/ 2010) were taxi or truck drivers, 7.9 % (158/2 010) were exposed to noise, 6.7 % (134/2 010) had exposures to lead, mercury, cadmium, other heavy metals, or chemicals, and 13.2 % (265/2 010) had other occupational hazards. 2.64 % (53/2 010) of the participants took supplements. 86.1% (1 729/2 010) had behavioral or life style problems. Over 40% of the participants reported regular alcohol drinking or cigarette smoking. 2.5 %(50/2010) of the participants had one or more diseases of the genitourinary system. Conclusion Men’s reproductive health should be part of the population reproductive health, and efforts should be made to improve male reproductive health in the province.
【Key words】Reproductive health Preconception Male Ivestigation
影响生育结局的因素不仅来自女性,男性孕前的生育健康的不良因素也不容忽视。本研究在山东4个县(市)对2 008名孕前男性进行了健康状况调查,并对各种因素的暴露水平进行了估计,以期了解辽南地区男性生育健康状况,为孕前保健工作的开展提供科学指导。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
2009年12月2日~20日采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法抽取符合调查条件的调查对象2 010例。调查对象为具有调查地区常住户口、准备生育的已婚男性,包括新婚准备生育、符合生育条件准备生育的再婚、符合政策准备生育2孩或3孩(其中包括符合病残儿医学鉴定标准准备再生育)的男性。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 抽样方法 先在辽南地区应用随机表随机抽取4个样本县市,然后应用乡镇总人口进行系统抽样方法抽取40个乡镇/街道办事处,再在每个样本乡镇/街道办事处抽取5个样本村或居委会,最后在每个样本村或居委会随机抽取10名符合条件的育龄男性。
1.2.2 问卷设计和调查 根据国内外孕前风险评估的筛查量表和方法、中国出生缺陷等不良妊娠结局及其危险因素的流行病学资料以及国家相关部门调查确定男性孕前风险评估的基本内容 ......