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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月1日 陈玲 薛士银


     【摘要】目的 探讨涟水县近年来病毒性肝炎发病特点及流行趋势,为更好地制定有针对性的控制措施提供依据。方法 利用办公软件Excel2000 对涟水县2004~2011年肝炎疫情资料和监测资料进行分析。结果 2004~2011年涟水县肝炎年平均发病率为31.53/10万,呈逐年下降趋势。发病有一定的季节性,男女性别比为3.25:1,以青壮年为主,职业发病以农民、学生、工人为主。分型监测显示甲型肝炎所占比重下降,乙型肝炎所占比重上升,戊肝比重接近甲肝。结论 近年来,涟水县病毒性肝炎发病呈稳中有降趋势,乙肝所占比重上升。肝炎防制工作在继续巩固甲肝低发病率的同时,重点应加强乙肝防制工作。此外应加强对未定型肝炎的分型诊断,提高分型报告率。

    【关键词】肝炎 流行状况 分型 病毒性肝炎

    中图分类号:R181 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-0515(2012)3-002-03

    Epidemiological analysis of Viral Hepatitis from 2004 to 2011 in Lianshui City

    CHEN Ling XUE Shiyin

    (Lianshui Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Lianshui 223400,China)

    【Abstract】Objective This analysis was to explore and discuss the onset characteristics and epidemic trend of viral hepatitis in Lianshui City so as to establish more pertinent control measures.Methods Office software Excel 2000 was utilized to assay the epidemic and monitoring data of hepatitis from 2004—2011 in Lianshui City. Results The annual average incidence of hepatitis from 2004 to 2011 in Lianshui was 31.53/1akh,taking on a stable declining tendency annually.The onset showed a certain seasona1 trait and the ratio of male vs female was 3.25:1 with young adults predominating. Onsets related with occupation demonstrated that farmers, students and workers were the majority.Grouping monitoring indicated that the proportion of hepatitis A descended,while hepatitis B rised,and that of hepatitis E neared hepatitis A.Conclusion Because of the different prophylactic measures adopted at each tache of the epidemic of viral hepatitis in Lianshui,the incidence of viral hepatitis showed a stable but decreasing trend.In addition to the consolidation of low morbidity of hepatitis A,the preveative work of hepatitis should be focused on hepatitis B.We should strengthen the typing diagnosis of unidentified hepatitis and improve typing report rate.

    【Key words】Hepatitis Epidemic status Typing Viral hepatitis



    1 材料与方法

    1.1 资料来源 疫情资料来源于《中国疾病预防控制系统2004—2011年》甲、乙类传染病修订年报,人口资料由涟水县统计局获得 ......
