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http://www.100md.com 2010年4月1日 《中国健康月刊·A版》 2010年第4期
     [摘要] 目的 根据现代医院发展的形势,在市场供大于求的前提下,探索医院药库管理的新模式。方法 参阅有关资料,具体分析医院药库实施“零库存”管理的意义、可能性及注意事项。结果 目前医院药库完全实施“零库存”有一定难度,在适当的条件下可实现药库部分药品的“零库存”管理。结论 “零库存”管理将会成为医院药库管理发展的新趋势,药库的储存功能将会比过去极大地降低。

    [关键词] 药品管理;零库存;措施

    [中图分类号] R954[文献标识码]A [文章编号]

    REN Zhi-wen

    Department of Pharmacy, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People Hospital, Chengdu610072

    [Abstract] Objective According to the development of modern hospital situation, under the premise of supply exceeding demand in the market to explore a new model for management of Hospital Drug Storehouse. Methods Refer to the relevant information, specific analysis of the Hospital Drug Storehouse implementation of the "zero inventory" management of meaning, possibilities and precautions. Result Hospital Drug Storehouse full implementation of the current "zero inventory" has a certain degree of difficulty, where appropriate, can be realized under the condition of some drugs Drug Storehouse the "zero inventory" management. Conclusion"Zero inventory" management will be the Hospital Drug Storehouse new trends in management development, pharmaceutical storages storage functions will be significantly reduced than in the past. ......
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