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http://www.100md.com 2010年10月1日


     [摘要]目的评价多层螺旋CT血管造影技术在胸腹部、颈部及四肢动脉血管病变中的应用价值。方法 35例胸腹部、颈部及四肢动脉血管病变患者行16层螺旋CT血管造影检查,二维、三维重建技术结合原始横轴位图像进行分析。结果 腹主动脉瘤7例,夹层主动脉瘤5例 ,肺动脉栓塞4例,肠系膜上动脉血栓3例,肠系膜上动脉狭窄合并多发动脉瘤1例,脾动脉假性动脉瘤1例,肾动脉狭窄2例,多发大动脉炎合并锁骨下动脉狭窄1例, 颈动脉狭窄2例,椎动脉先天发育纤细2例,椎动脉局限性狭窄1例,颈面部巨大动静脉畸形1例,髂动脉及下肢动脉多发狭窄闭塞5例。二维重建(多平面重建及曲面重建)较好显示病变范围、大小及病变细节,而三维重建(容积重建、最大密度投影)形象直观显示病变空间立体关系及管壁钙化情况。仿真内窥镜可以观察动脉内血栓、斑块情况,观察血管腔内壁情况,并可显示夹层动脉瘤的内膜破口情况。结论多层螺旋CT血管造影二维及三维后重建结合原始横轴位图像,是一种准确、无创、便捷、实用的诊断胸腹部、颈部及四肢动脉血管病变的检查方法。


    [中图分类号] R445[文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1005-0515(2010)-10-017-03

    Application of MSCT Angiography in diagnosing the Arterial Disease of Cervical 、Thoracic、 Abdominal 、Part and lower Extremities

    WANG Li-juan

    (Inner Mongolia Forest General Hospital,yakeshi 022150 China)

    [Abstract]ObjectiveTo evaluate the value of themulti-sliceCT

    angiography in diagnosing the arterial disease of cervical、thoracic 、 abdominal part and lower extremities.Methods 35 cases suspected of arterial disease of cervical、thoracic 、abdominal partor lower extremities were examined with 16-slice spiral CT angiography,two dimensional and three dimensional reconstruction combined withoriginal axial image are used in image analysis.ResultsAmong the 35 cases, aortic dissection 5 cases, abdominal aneurysm 7cases, pulmonary embolism 4, superior mesenteric artery embolus(SAME) 3, stricture of superior mesenteric artery with multiple aneurysm 1, splenic artery false aneurysm 1, multiple Takayasu's arteritis with stricture of subclavical artery 1, carotid artery stenosis 2, vertebral artery inborn tenuity 2, vertebral artery localized stenosis 1, giant cervicofacial arteriovenousmalformation 1, multiple arterial stenosis or arterial occlusion in arteria iliaca and artery of lower extremities 5 cases were found. Two dimensionalreconstruction(MPR,CPR) can show the extent, size and details of thedisease, the space relationship and the calcification of vessel wall were displayed clearly by three dimensional imaging(VR,MIP). The relationship between internal clot and the wall of artery, as well as intimal flap and reentry of dissection could be evaluated by CT Virtual Endoscopy (CTVE).Conclusionmulti-slice CT angiography two dimensional and three dimensionalpost-processing reconstruction associating with original axial image wasconsidered as an effective and non-invasive method in diagnosing thearterial disease of cervical、thoracic、abdominal part and lower extremities ......
