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[摘要] 目的 调查糖尿病妊娠和妊娠糖尿病血糖控制对妊娠结局的影响。方法 2008年-2010年对在我县三家正规医疗机构建档的孕妇,在孕24--28周进行妊娠糖尿病的筛查。对糖尿病妊娠从妊娠第8周正规监测,并追踪诊断妊娠糖尿病和糖尿病妊娠患者的孕期血糖控制良好(B)组与血糖控制不良( C)组,对母儿结局的影响,和血糖正常(A)组三组进行比较。结果 母儿并发症(A)组与(B)组大多无统计学差异(p值>0.05),而(C)组与(A)、(B)组有显著差异(p值<0.01)。结论 加强糖尿病孕妇孕期的血糖控制, 可减少孕产妇和胎儿新生儿并发症,改善预后。
[关键词]妊娠糖尿病; 糖尿病妊娠; 血糖; 母婴预后
[中图分类号]R587.1[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-02-018-02
Hyperglycemiaduringpregnancy the mother retrospective analysis of prognosis inchildren
Xiong YanpingXiong MeiquanJiao ChunranWenFang
(Jiangxi Provincial Peopl's Hospital, Department of Nursing Jinxian331700)
[Abstract] Objective The investigation diabetes pregnancy and the pregnancy diabetes blood sugar controls to the pregnancy result's influence. Methods 2008-2010 to my county three regular medical service machine construction files' pregnant woman, is being pregnant 24--28 weeks carry on pregnancy diabetes' screening, monitor regularly to diabetes pregnancy from the pregnancy 8th week. And traces the diagnosis pregnancy diabetes and diabetes pregnancy patient's gestation period blood sugar control good (B) group and the blood sugar control bad (C) the group, to the mother result's influence, normal (A) three groups carries on the comparison with the blood sugar. Results The mother complication (A) group the group mostly does not have statistics difference with (B) (p value >0.05), but (C) the group the (B) group has the remarkable difference with (A) (p value <0.01). ConclusionsStrengthens diabetes pregnant woman gestation period the blood sugar control, may reduce the pregnant woman and the embryo newborn complication, the improvement prognosis.
[Keywords]The pregnancg diabetes; diabetes pregnancy; blood sugar; the mother and baby result's influece
我们回顾性调查分析2008年—2010年我县妊娠期高血糖症342例,其中糖尿病妊娠47例;妊娠糖尿病295例(包含部分妊娠前期未发现者糖尿病患者),并调查同期非高血糖孕产妇384人,发现不管是妊娠期还是围生期或之后的母婴健康指数都明显低于妊娠期血糖正常者或血糖控制较好的患者。因此我们认为及早发现和干预相关高危因素, 对提高妊娠质量、降低母婴并发症、对于改善孕妇及子代的预后,减少人群中糖尿病的发病率有深远影响。具体报告如下。
1 资料
1.1 资料来源:县医院、中医院、妇幼保健所三家正规二级甲等医疗机构。
1.2 一般资料:总人数726例。年龄17—39岁,平均26±2 ......