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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 杨兰玲


     [摘要] 建立了一种离子色谱法直流安培检测人体血液和尿液中碘离子含量的方法。其中血液的检出限达到0.005mg/L,尿液达到0.02mg/L;线性范围血液为0.01~1mg/L,尿液为0.05~5mg/L;相关系数均在三个9以上,回收率均在96.5%-107.0%之间。用于人血液和尿液中碘离子含量测定,结果准确,快速,灵敏度高。

    [关键词] 离子色谱; 直流安培; 血液; 尿液; 碘离子

    [中图分类号] R927.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-03-026-02

    Determination of Iodine in Human Serum and Urine by Ion Chromatography

    Yang Lanling

    [Abstract] A method of determination iodine in human serum and urine using direct current amperometric method by ion chromatography was established.The detection limit of iodide in human serum can be 0.005mg/L while it was 0.02mg/L in human urine.Good linearity relation from 0.01~1mg/L in human serum while 0.05~5mg/L in human urine were obtained.The correlation coefficients were all above 0.9990.The recoveries were between 96.5% to 107.0%.The method is accurate,rapid and sensitive to be applied to determination iodide of human serum and urine.

    [Keywords]ion chromatography; direct current amperometric; serum; urine; iodide


    1 实验部分




    淋洗液:3.0 mmol/L Na2CO3-3.8 mmol/L NaHCO3混合溶液,称取0.3180 g碳酸钠、0.3192 g碳酸氢钠,用脱气水定容至1000 mL;

    碘离子储备液:准确称取碘化钾固体0.1307g于100 mL容量瓶中,用去离子水定容至刻度;


    2 结果与讨论

    2.1 色谱条件

    SuperIC-Anion HS色谱柱(日本TOSOH公司),3.0 mmol/L Na2CO3-3.8 mmol/L NaHCO3淋洗液等度淋洗,流速0.8mL/min。样品进样量300μL,采用电化学检测模式检测,施加电位为0.15V。血样及尿液经过前处理后进样测定,以保留时间定性,峰高进行定量。

    2.2 样品前处理

    于5mL离心管中加入0.5mL血样或尿样,0.5 mL水,2 mL乙腈,于离心机高速离心10min,取上清液过0.22μm滤膜,过C18柱后进入离子色谱测定。

    2.3 工作曲线及检出限

    配置碘离子的溶液浓度为1mgμL-1。然后将此溶液依次稀释2倍、4倍、20倍、100倍 ......
