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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月1日 《中国健康月刊.A版》 2011年第7期
     [摘要] 目的 对异位妊娠发生原因、部位等进行调查且对其治疗措施进行分析,从而降低异位妊娠发生率、提高临床疗效。方法 选取80例异位妊娠患者且对异位妊娠发生原因、部位进行调查,同时观察其治疗措施,然后对所观察到的数据进行统计学处理与分析。结果 异位妊娠发生原因以存在流产史的患者发生率最高、占55.00%,而发生部位以输卵管发生率最高、占77.50%且此次治疗总有效率为100.00%。结论 加强异位妊娠的临床调查与治疗分析对预防异位妊娠的发生及提高临床疗效至关重要。

    [关键词] 异位妊娠; 调查; 分析

    [中图分类号] R713.8[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-07-018-01

    Ectopic Pregnancy and Related Analysis of the Clinical Investigation

    [Abstract] Objective The cause of ectopic pregnancy, and other parts of the investigation and analysis of its treatment, thereby reducing the incidence of ectopic pregnancy, to improve clinical efficacy. Methods 80 cases of ectopic pregnancy and the causes of ectopic pregnancy, part of the investigation, while observing the treatment, then the observed data for statistical processing and analysis. Results The cause of the existence of ectopic pregnancy, history of abortion patients the highest incidence, accounting for 55.00%, while the incidence of occurrence of the highest parts of the fallopian tube, accounting for 77.50% and the total effective rate was 100.00%. Conclusion Strengthening of ectopic pregnancy clinical investigation and treatment of ectopic pregnancy for the prevention of the occurrence and improve the clinical efficacy is essential. ......

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