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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国健康月刊》 2011年第3期


    Discussed shallowlyⅡThe diabetic the compliance which injects using the insulin pen


    【Abstract】Goal: DiscussionⅡThe diabetic the compliance influencing factor which injects using the insulin pen. Method: Uses independently designs the questionnaire to 200 examplesⅡThe diabetic patient carries on the investigation. Finally: in 200 example's investigations 56 example compliances, the compliance rate accounts for 25%, some 44 example compliance difference, the compliance rate does not account for 78%, using the insulin pen compliance good patient the patient who surpasses the compliance difference obviously to disease related knowledge cognition degree, two groups to disease related knowledge degree comparison, have statistics significance, the P<0.05. conclusion are rightⅡThe diabetic strengthens the health education, strengthens diabetes to disease and the treatment understanding, enhances injects patient's compliance using the insulin pen, enhances the treatment rate. ......

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