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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月1日 张泽鸿 方小衡 李艳蓝 刘梦然




    Analysis on the status of health investment in Guangdong province during 2000-2005

    ZHANG Zehong1 LI Yanlan2 FANG Xiaoheng2 LIU Mengran2

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTO analyze the variation trend of government health expenditure and the status of health recurrent in health expenditure in Guangdong province during 2000-2005, in order to provide scientific grounds for regional public health planning. Methods Use Health Statistics Year-book of Guangdong Province and other basic information to comprehensive analyze government health investment in Guangdong province during 2000-2005. Results During 2000-2005, government had intensified the health investment and the health recurrent budget increased with years. In 2005 the province's actual implementation cost of the government health care was 5,518,400,000 Yuan and the health actual implementation cost accounted for 2.2% of the expenditure. Compared with 2000, the province invested in health expenditure increased significantly. Conclusion The government of Guangdong province had increased the health investment, but the increase rate of investment was lower than national economy and financial expenditure, and it was also lower than investments of other areas. There is a certain gap between health investment of the Guangdong Provincial Government and the actual demand of health care.

    【Key words】Health investmenthealth recurrent proportion



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 资料来源:以现有各类社会经济统计资料(中国卫生统计年鉴、广东省统计年鉴、广东省卫生统计年鉴等)[1~11]及广东省各级卫生统计年报资料和卫生事业费决算资料等常规信息数据作为主要数据来源,进行分析。



    2 结果与分析


    2.1.1 政府预算卫生支出:2005年广东省政府卫生支出占财政支出的比重为3.6%,其中公费医疗经费占1.24%。政府卫生支出占科教文卫事业费支出的比重为17.2%。

    从6年发展历程上看,广东省政府卫生支出不断增长 ......
