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http://www.100md.com 2008年2月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第2期

     【摘要】 目的 研究青少年体像障碍与生活事件、自我控制、人际控制感之间的关系。方法 用体像障碍自评量表和青少年生活事件量表、控制圈对200名大三学生和180名高三学生实施测量。结果 ①高中生的体像障碍严重程度显著高于大学生。②大学生个人实力感、人际控制感得分与体像障碍各维度具有高相关;高中生控制感得分与体像障碍得分之间的相关不显著。③大学生生活事件与个人实力感能有效预测体像障碍;“丧失因子”可以预测体障。结论 高中生体像障碍比大学生严重;负性生活事件与自我控制感可以预见体像障碍的程度。

    【关键词】 体像障碍;控制感:调查研究;青少年

    Research on the Relationship between BDD and Controling Feeling of Adolescents. Wen Zhenzhong, Bao Hua. Faculty of Education, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the relationship between body image, life events, self-control and interpersonal control of adolescents. Methods 200 juniors from university and 180 from junior middle school completed the ASLEC, SOC and self-rating scale of BDD questionaires. Results ①Middle school students have got higher scores on BDD than university students; ②Individual strength and interpersonal control sense have close negative correlation with every dimension of BDD of college students, but middle school students haven't. ③Individual strength and life events can predict BDD, "losing" dimention of youngsters' life events has special value in the predicting. Conclusion Middle school students have more serious BDD than college students; negative life events and individual strength could predict BDD. ......
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