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http://www.100md.com 2008年5月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第5期

     【摘要】 目的 探讨大学生闲暇生活态度的影响因素。方法 利 用自编大学生闲暇生活态度问卷对某大学大一至大四的在校本科生进行调查研究。 结果 ①同伴、家庭、社会、学校对大学生闲暇生活态度的影响有显著性差异,其 中同伴的影响是主要的,家庭的影响第二 ,学校的影响第三,社会的影响最弱;②兴趣对在校大学生的闲暇生活态度有重要影响,其 中对城市学生的影响比非城市学生要大。结论 大学生闲暇生活态度受不同 因素影响。

    【关键词】 大学生;闲暇生活;态度

    A Survey and Analysis on Various Factors Determing Their Leisure Life Attitude o f Undergraduates in Normal Universities. Liu Ying,Qu Ying. Department ofPsychology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective The study mainly focuses on various factors det ermining their leisure life attitude. Methods The thesis adopts c ollege students' leisu re life attitude questionnaire compiled by myself and conducts a survey of stude nts from freshmen to seniors who are now studying at four universities.Results(1)Companions, families and universities and society have different influenceson their leisure life attitude. Among them, companions play the most importantrole and then families. Universities and the society is the last. (2)Of individu al factors, interest has a decisive influence on their activities. Moreover, thedifferences between cities and urbans are striking. ConclusionThe leisure life of College students should be inductive affected by various f actors. ......
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