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http://www.100md.com 2008年9月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第9期

     【摘要】 目的 通过对大学生逃课行为进行调查和归因研究,来探讨大学生逃课 的心理和社会原因。方法 采用问卷调查和群体访谈研究方法。结 果 内外控制个人特征与逃课现象存在显著相关,但男女生的内外控制不存在显著 差异;性别与逃课次数是相关的。结论 男性比女性更容易逃课;高年级存 在更严重的逃课现象;学生群体效应也是不能忽视的原因。由此,学校、老师、学生应关注 逃课现象,针对其原因,对大学生逃课行为加强教育和引导,尤其是心理控制点方面的人格 完善问题。

    【关键词】 逃课;内外控制点;群体效应

    A Study on the Attribution of College Students' Absentee and Locus of Control . Zheng Xinyi, Guan Jingjing. College of Arts and Social Science, FuzhouUniversity, Fuzhou 350108, P.R.China

    【Abstract】 Objective To exam how and why they were absent in order t o understa nd the attributions through the lens of psychological factors and social factors . Methods Questionnaires and group interviewing. Results Locus of control was significantly related to the behaviors of absence;gender is significantly related to the frequency of absence. Senior male studen ts were m ore likely to be absent that junior female students. ConclusionSenior male stu dents were more likely to be absent that junior female students. More focus shou ld be given to college absentee in order to help college students have health y learning behaviors. ......
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