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http://www.100md.com 2008年11月1日 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2008年第11期

     【摘要】 目的 探索幼儿教师职业怠倦现状及其与归因方式的关系。方法运用教师职业倦怠量表(MBI)和心理控制源量表(IPCS)对福州地区227名幼儿 教师进行调查。结果 ①福州幼 儿教师职业倦怠总分高于平均水平的比率为33%;②教龄、婚姻状况、所教班级性质和班级 规模对幼儿教师职业倦怠有一定影响; ③归因方式与幼儿教师职业倦怠的3个维度有显著相 关,同时,归因方式的内控性和有势力的他人这2个维度对幼儿教师职业倦怠具有很强的预 测作用。结论 相关教育管理部门应引起足够重视并从归因角度降低幼儿教 师职业倦怠感。

    【关键词】 幼儿教师;职业倦怠;归因方式;调查

    The Relationship between Burnout and Attribution Style of Child-care Teachers.Jiang Huaibin, Lin Liangzhang,Wu Xuemei.Department of Humanities, Fuqi ng branch of Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350300,P.R.Chuna

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigates the state of burnout and its corr elation to attribution style in child-care teachers. Methods Usi n g MBI and IPCS to investigate 227 child-care teachers in Fuzhou.Resul ts ① The number of scores hig her than mean level accounts for 33%. ② Varuabkes of school age, marriage , tau ght class and class size have effects on occupational burnout.③ The correlationbetween attribution style and occupational burnout is obvious. Meanwhile, the f actors of internality and powerful others are predictors of child-care teachers ' occupational burnout. Conclusion Relevant educational administe r should attach to the results and take some measures such as attribution traini ng to lower child-care teachers' burnout. ......
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