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http://www.100md.com 2010年1月15日 《中国保健》 2010年第2期
     【中图分类号】R781.5【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2010)02 - 07 -02

    【摘要】目的 研究重型复发性口疮的免疫调整综合疗法的实际效果。方法 37例重型复发性口疮接受了免疫调整综合疗法,其中15例合并较重的局部感染、发烧、颌下淋巴结肿大者,采用了静脉点滴大剂量抗生素,结合免疫调整综合治疗。22例局部感染较轻,体温正常者采用了中等剂量抗生素静滴,结合免疫调整综合治疗。免疫调整主要应用胸腺肽及大剂量肾上腺皮质激素逐渐减量疗法,以及大剂量V.C.、B6叶酸疗法。综合治疗侧重于多种维生素疗法及高营养疗法,以及饮食指导。结果 37例重症复发性口疮经治一周,溃疡愈合,经5~8周巩固治疗嘱定期复查,随访三年未见复发。结论 重型复发性口疮免疫调整综合治疗方法,疗效可靠,如能坚持巩固治疗,可以防止复发。


    Immunologic Regulate Complex Therapy for Seriously recurrent Ulcer of Mouth
, http://www.100md.com
    Pan Hong1Jiang Guocheng2

    (1Department of stomatology Second Affililial Hospital Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan450000,China;2Department of stomatology First Affiliated Hospital,Zhengzhou Henan450052,China)

    【Abstract】Objective To study on the effect of lmmunologic regulate complex therapy for seriously recurrent ulcer of mouth. Methods 37 patients with seriously recurrent ulcer of mouth adapted immunologic regulate complex therapy: within 15 cases had sriously local infection, swelling of submandibular hymph nodes with fever, adopted large doses of antibiotic in venous transfusion compounded lmmunologic regulate complex therarpy. The 22 patients with less local infection and have normal tempelatare accepted a middling doses antibiotic through in nenous compound lmmunologic negulate complex therapy. The immunologic regulate compler theraty are mainly accepted thymopeptides treatmentl and large doses of adrenl cortical hormon (in first week). Then gladually reduce of doses of treatment methods, and take a large dases of V.C. VB6 fori acid. The complex therapy are mainly vitamins with minerals Tablets (21) treatment, high nourishment treatment and nourishment of directions by doctor.Results 37 patients with seriously recurrent ulcer of mouth, according above mentioned methods treated, the ulcec had cured in the one week through 5-8 weeks strenthen treatmen then finished the treatment course this group 37 patients fallow up 3 years had not seen relaps.Conclusion lmmunologic regulate cmplex therapy ot seriously recurrent ulcer of mouth are good effect, if could be to insist strenthen treatment course may be prevent the relapse.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】Seriously recurrent ulcer of mouth;Lmmunologic regulate complex therapy


    1 临床资料


    2 免疫调整综合治疗方案

    A:冲击治疗阶段:(1)15例重型复发性口疮局部溃疡面约25~30mm,伴有较重的感染发烧,颌下淋巴结肿大病例的治疗:大剂量先锋霉素6g静脉点滴,同时加用地塞米松10mg,VC 4g,V6 300mg,溶于10%G.S. 250ml,快速静滴,每日一次。并口服胸腺肽,10mg Bid,21金维他2片,Qd,用以补给微量元素及各种维生素,以便全面地调整免疫状态。此方案施行一周,同时保证患者经口摄取高蛋白高维生素半流质饮食每日热量不少于3000卡。(2)22例重型复发性口疮溃疡面约12~20mm2伴有中等度局部感染,但无淋巴结肿大,体温正常,治疗方案:每日先锋霉素Ⅴ2g,溶于10%G.S. 250ml中快速静脉点滴连用一周其余用药与膳食治疗与(1)相同,治疗时间一周。


    B:巩固治疗阶段:37例重型复发性口疮经一周冲击治疗,溃疡愈合,即转入第二周巩固治疗阶段。停止输液及抗生素的应用,而转入完全应用口服药物的免疫调整综合治疗阶段。其内容为(1)地塞米松,4.5mg,Qd.po. (2)胸腺肽5mg,Bid,po.(3)VC 1g tid po,(4)VB6 50mg, tid po.(5)VB220mg,tid po,(6)叶酸10mg,tid po (7)21金维他2片Qd,po., 百拇医药(潘红 姜国城)
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