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http://www.100md.com 2010年3月15日 《中国保健》 2010年第8期
     【中图分类号】R714.22【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2010)08 - 08 - 02

    【摘要】目的 探讨氨甲喋呤(MTX)单次肌注加米非司酮治疗异位妊娠的疗效。方法 对30例异位妊娠患者均予以MTX单次肌注加米非司酮治疗。结果 25例患者经过治疗后,附件包块缩小,β-HCG值下降至正常范围。结论 MTX单次肌注加米非司酮治疗异位妊娠疗效好,副作用小。


    Amethopterin ingami in the treatment of the efficacy of ectopic pregnancy

    Zhang xu

    (shnagqiu's hospital obstetrics and Gynecology in fourth henan province Shnagqiu ,ShnagqiuHenan476000)

    【Abstract】Objective Explore amethopterin (MTX) multifraction intramuscularyly ingami mifepristons treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Methods 30 cases of eccyesis take the MTX multifraction intramuscularyly ingami mifepristons treatment. Results 25 patients after treatment, adnexal and beta-HCG value fell to the normal range. Conclusion The MTX multifraction intramuscularyly ingami mifepristons good treatment of ectopic pregnancy, side-effects.

    【Key words】Eccyesis;Amethopterin;Misopristol

    随着异位妊娠早期未破裂型的发现率日益增高,医生和病人都希望通过损伤最小的措施以达到治愈目的,加之未婚已孕的患者较多,故非手术治疗得以推广 ......

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