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http://www.100md.com 2020年3月1日 《中国中医药信息杂志》 20203

meridian were concentrated in the vicinity of Xiguan and Ligou. The VAS scores of Yinlingquan, Diji, Lougu, Sanyinjiao, and Ligou during the menstruation were higher than non-menstrual period (P<0.05), and the value of tenderness threshold was lower than non-menstrual period (P<0.05). The tenderness of kidney meridian was concentrated in the vicinity of Zhubin and Jiaoxin during menstrual period and non-menstrual period (P<0.05). Conclusion Secondary dysmenorrhea caused by adenomyosis related to foot three-yin meridian has certain symptoms and is closely related to the spleen meridian and liver meridian. The sensitivity of acupoint tenderness during menstruation is higher than that of non-menstrual period. It is suggested that acupuncture treatment for vicinity of Yinlingquan, Diji, Lougu, Sanyinjiao, Xiguan, Ligou, Zhubin, and Jiaoxin may have good efficacy.
, http://www.100md.com
    Keywords: secondary dysmenorrheal caused by adenomyosis; examination and diagnosis of acupoints and meridians; foot three-yin meridian

, 百拇医药
    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选择2017年9月-2019年1月北京中医药大学东直门医院针灸科、妇科门诊子宫腺肌病继发性痛经患者30例。年龄26~48岁,平均年龄(33.8±4.2)岁;病程1~6年,平均病程(4.21±2.64)年;视觉模拟法(VAS)[8]评分55~100分,平均(80.55±13.72)分;COX痛经症状量表评分(CMSS)[9-10]痛经严重程度评分平均(38.24±7.68)分,痛经持续时间评分平均(39.48±8.91)分。本研究经北京中医药大学东直门医院医学伦理委员会审查批准(DZMEC-KY- 2019-65)。

    1.2 诊断标准

    参照《子宫内膜异位症的诊治指南》[2]制定诊断标准。①痛经:半数以上患者有继发性痛经,渐进性加重;②月经异常:表现为月经过多、经期延长或不规则出血;③不孕;④子宫增大:多为均匀性增大,呈球形,也可为凸起不平,质硬;⑤超声检查显示子宫增大,肌层增厚,后壁明显,子宫内膜线前移。病变部位为等回声或回声增强,其间可见点状低回声,病灶与周围无明显界限;MRI显示子宫内存在界线不清、低信号强度病灶,T2加权像可有高信号强度病灶,子宫内膜-肌层结合带变宽,>12 mm;血清糖类抗原125水平多升高。, 百拇医药(孟旭 王冠群 张旭东 米淑琦 赵吉平)

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