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http://www.100md.com 2009年1月1日 《中国疗养医学》 2009年第1期
     【摘 要】 目的为研究海水浴疗法在保健养生防治疾病中的作用。方法 从海水的浮力、压力、按摩效应和海水中存在的微量元素通过皮肤进入体内,影响人体的生理和病理活动中寻找理论依据。结果 海滨疗养院实施海水浴疗法,对促进疗养员身体健康效果明显。结论 海水浴疗法对促进身体健康、治疗适应证疾病,提高疗养院的双重效益起重要作用。

    【关键词】 海水浴疗法;疗养院;保健养生

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of the sea bath therapy in the health care and prevention and treatment of diseases. MethodsThe flotage, the pressure, the massage effect and the trace elements of the sea into the human body through skin were investigated.The effects on physiology and pathology were studied. Results The sea bath in coast sanitariums could increase the health of the recuperators. Conclusion The sea bath can increase the health and the double benefits of the sanitariums.

    【Key words】 Sea bath;Sanitarium;Health care

    海水是海滨疗养地的主要疗养因子 ......

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