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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月1日 《中国疗养医学》 2009年第8期
     【摘 要】 治疗红斑痤疮有许多方法,包括局部治疗和全身治疗,激光及光疗法,以及手术治疗。治疗目的包括减轻丘疹,减少脓疱、红斑及身体不适,并提高生活质量。局部治疗红斑痤疮的基本药物有:甲硝唑,壬二酸,复方硫磺制剂;二线药物包括:过氧化二苯甲酰,过氧苯甲酰,克林霉素,钙神经蛋白抑制剂以及扑灭司林等。

    【关键词】 红斑痤疮;局部治疗;全身治疗;激光

    【Abstract】 There are many methods for the treatment of rosacea, including topical and systemic therapies, laser and light-based therapies, and surgical procedures. The goals of therapy include reduction of papules,pustules, erythema and physical discomfort, and an improvement in quality of life. Essential drugs for Standard topical treatment drugs include metronidazole,azelaic acid, and sodium sulfacetamide-sulfur. Second line drugs include dibenzoyl peroxide, benzoyl peroxide,clindamycin,calcineurin inhibitors,and permethrin.

    【Key words】 Rosacea;Topical therapy;Systemic therapy;Laser


    红斑痤疮又称玫瑰痤疮,是发生于鼻部及其周围皮肤的慢性复发性皮肤病,以面红、永久性红斑、毛细血管扩张以及炎症性丘疹和脓疱为特点 ......
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