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http://www.100md.com 2010年5月1日 《中国疗养医学》 2010年第5期

     【摘要】目的 分析各类抗高血压药在解放军杭州疗养院的使用情况。方法 对解放军杭州疗养院2006~2008年抗高血压药的品种、销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)及限定日费用(DDC)等进行回顾性分析。结果 钙拮抗药(CCB)是解放军杭州疗养院使用最多的一类抗高血压药。血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻断药(ARB)使用明显增加。合并利尿药的复方制剂不仅增强其他药物的降压作用,减少服药次数,提高病人药物治疗的依从性,还能改善成本-效果。结论 在军队疗养院抗高血压药的使用与地方医院并无大的差异,且用药趋势基本相同。长效制剂、复方制剂更有利于高血压病的治疗。

    【关键词】 抗高血压药;军队疗养院;销售金额;用药频度;限定日费用

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo analyze the various types of antihypertensive drugs in Hangzhou sanatorium of the People's Liberation Army.MethodsAntihypertensive drugs used in our sanatorium from 2006 to 2008 were analyzed retrospectively in respect of drug kinds,consumption sum,DDDs and DDC.ResultsCCB was the most antihypertensive drug used in our sanatorium.The usage of ARB were increased obviously.Compound preparations combined with diuretics could not only strengthen the effect of reducing high blood pressure of other drugs,reduce administration times and improve drug compliance,but also improve the effect-cost.ConclusionThere is no significantly different of the use of antihypertensive drugs between the military sanatorium and the local hospitals and they have the same tendency of medication.Prolonged action preparation and compound preparation are helpful for treating hypertensive disease. ......
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