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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 《上海医药》 2012年第1期
     摘 要 我国网上药店在发展的过程中遇到很多需要迫切解决的问题,本文通过对这些问题进行分析,在现有政策和环境下,结合B2C电子商务的特点和销售模式,为网上药店的发展提供一些思路。

    关键词 网上药店 发展问题 思路

    中图分类号:F763 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2012)01-0044-03

    Problems and ideas for development of online pharmacies in China

    LIU Dan-lei,QIU Jia-xue

    (International Pharmaceutical Business School of China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing,211198)

    ABSTRACT The development of online pharmacies in China has encountered many problems which need to be solved urgently. Some ideas were provided for the development of online pharmacies under the existing policies and climate based on the analysis of these issues and the features and sale models of B2C e-commerce.

    KEY WORDS online pharmacies;development problems;ideas

    据中国电子商务研究中心发布的《2010年度中国电子商务市场数据监测报告》显示 ......
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