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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月15日 上海医药 2014年第2期
     摘 要 目的:了解外来人口婴儿家长喂养知识及喂养方法,为今后开展社区喂养指导提供依据。方法:对家长进行婴儿添加辅食相关知识的调查。结果:母乳喂养率很高,但半数家长在辅食添加方面存在误区。结论:在提倡母乳喂养的同时,还应进一步加强外来人口家长婴幼儿辅食添加知识的宣传。

    关键词 喂养知识 认知调查 辅食添加 母乳喂养 家长

    中图分类号:R174.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)02-0061-03

    Survey of nutrition and feeding knowledge

    of 121 infant parents in floating population

    MA Bing

    (Ouyang Street Community Health Center Of Hongkou District, Shanghai 200080, China)

    ABSTRACT Objective: To learn the feeding knowledge and methods of the floating population parents to provide a reference for the future community feeding guidance. Methods: The relative knowledge of adding complementary food by the parents was investigated. Results: Breast feeding rate was high ......

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