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http://www.100md.com 2014年7月1日 上海医药 2014年第13期
     摘 要 CT成像已成为临床医学诊断的重要手段,而造影剂是其中重要组成部分。本文对CT成像造影剂的发展简史、应用现状和研究进展作一概要介绍。



    The research progress in CT contrast media*

    Liu Yu, Tao Xiaofeng**

    (Department of Radiology, The 9th People’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200011, China)

    Abstract CT imaging has become an important means of clinical diagnosis while contrast medium is an important part in CT imaging. In this article, the brief history of the contrast media for CT imaging and their application and research progress are introduced.

    Key wordsCT imaging; contrast media; radiology

    在医学迅猛发展的今天 ......
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