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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月15日 上海医药 2015年第6期
     摘 要 全科医师经过规范化培训最终将走向社区卫生服务岗位,社区实践基地的建立、健全与全科医生的培养质量密切相关,政府加强社区实践基地的经费投入、培养高质量的师资队伍、丰富和完善考核方式是培养全科医学人才的根本保证。

    关键词 全科医学 社区 实践基地

    中图分类号:R192.3/R-05 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)06-0017-03

    ABSTRACT The general practitioners will eventually go to the community health service posts through the standardized training. The establishment and improvement of the community practice base is closely related to the quality of the general practitioners training. The fund investment for the community practice base strengthened by the government ......
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