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http://www.100md.com 2015年4月1日 上海医药 2015年第7期
     摘 要 膝外翻畸形常合并有一些骨与软组织的特征性改变,全膝关节置换术旨在矫正外翻畸形,恢复下肢力线。术前负重位的双下肢全长片有助于测量下肢力线与解剖轴关系。手术多采用前内侧入路,切骨时,注意股骨和胫骨的切骨平面、角度和厚度,如有骨缺损,需进行修复。外翻畸形时内外侧软组织失衡,通过松解平衡后恢复关节力线,但是具体软组织松解策略仍有争议。假体选择亦至关重要,直接影响术后疗效和使用寿命等,应结合患者关节及软组织综合考虑。术后注意有无腓总神经损伤,早期功能锻炼,恢复关节活动能力。

    关键词 膝外翻畸形 全膝关节置换 综述

    中图分类号:R687.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2015)07-0057-06

    ABSTRACT Valgus deformity is often associated with some characteristic changes in bone and soft tissue. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is aimed at correcting valgus deformity and restoring lower limb alignment. Preoperative weight-bearing full-length film of the lower limbs is useful to measure the limb alignment and anatomical axis. The anteromedial approach is used by the majority of surgeons. In order to make the right cut ......
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