(复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科 上海 200040)
摘 要抗癫痫药物按作用机制可分为膜稳定剂、减少神经递质释放的药物、提高γ-氨基丁酸能的药物和其他4类。许多抗癫痫药物的作用机制复杂,致使临床中治疗药物的选择及其不良反应均存在不确定性。有些抗癫痫药物有肝酶诱导或抑制作用,故在多药联合治疗或与其他药物合并使用时的代谢速率发生改变。临床上应注意抗癫痫药物的非特异性不良反应,如困倦、头晕等;也应注意各种抗癫痫药物治疗的比较严重的特异性不良反应,如拉莫三嗪可引起严重皮疹、卡马西平会引起白细胞计数降低等。
关键词癫痫 抗癫痫药物 作用机制 不良反应
Classification, mechanism and adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs
WU Dongyan*, ZHU Guoxing**
(Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)
ABSTRACTAccording to drug mechanism, antiepileptic drugs can be divided into four groups: membrane stabilization, reducing neurotransmitters release, increasing γ-aminobutyric acid mediated inhibition, and the others. Many antiepileptic drugs have more than one mechanism, leading to the uncertainty of drug selection and adverse effects. Some antiepileptic drugs are liver enzyme inducers or inhibitors, resulting in changes in the metabolism, when used in multiple treatment or in combination with other drugs. Antiepileptic drugs have not only non-specific side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness, but also a variety of specific serious adverse effects such as severe rashes caused by lamotrigine and leukopenia caused by carbamazepine. ......
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