韩斐 朱俞岚 罗路 姜从玉摘 要 脑卒中是引起患者肢体残疾及死亡的常见疾病,发病后大约有60%的患者处于残疾状态,50%的患者轻偏瘫,30%的患者没有帮助情况下无法行走。骨骼肌作为脑卒中后残疾的主要功能影响器官。既往研究中对于患者卒中后的研究偏重于脑组织较多,而对于脑卒中后骨骼肌的结构、代谢和功能变化了解相对较少。本文通过综述近些年脑卒中继发性肌少症的研究,阐述脑卒中继发性肌少症的特点、发病机制、评定和干预治疗的相关进展。
关键词 脑卒中 肌肉 肌少症 康复
中图分类号:R743.3; R685.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)05-0035-06
Progress in the research of cerebral apoplexy with sarcopenia
HAN Fei*, ZHU Yulan, LUO Lu, JIANG Congyu**
(Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)
ABSTRACT Stroke is a common disease that causes limb disability and death in patients. After onset, about 60% of the patients are disabled, 50% of them have mild hemiplegia, and 30% of them can not walk without help. Skeletal muscle is the main functional organ of disability after stroke. Previous studies on patients after stroke have focused on brain tissue, but relatively little is known about the structural, metabolic and functional changes of muscle tissue after stroke. This paper reviews the recent studies on stroke-related sarcopenia and expounds the characteristics ......
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