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http://www.100md.com 2021年11月18日 2021年第21期

    摘 要 结核病已成为全球范围内死亡率最高的传染性疾病。我国结核病患者数在全球位列第二。全面掌握抗结核药物的药物相互作用非常重要,可提高此类药物的合理用药水平。本文概要介绍一、二线抗结核药物的作用机制和药物相互作用,并就抗结核药物的合理用药提出了几点建议。

    关键词 抗结核药物 药物相互作用 合理用药

    中图分类号:R978.3; R969 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)21-0016-03

    Interaction and rational use of antituberculosis drugs

    LEI Youfeng

    (Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai 201508, China)

    ABSTRACT Tuberculosis has become the deadliest infectious disease worldwide. The number of tuberculosis patients in China ranks second in the world. It is very important to fully understand the interaction of antituberculosis drugs, which can improve the level of rational drug use. In this paper, the mechanism of action and drug interaction of first- and second-line antituberculosis drugs were briefly introduced and some suggestions on their rational use were proposed.

    KEy wORDS antituberculosis drugs; drug-drug interactions; rational use of drugs

    根據WHO《2019年全球结核病报告》[1],2018年全球共有潜伏性结核分枝杆菌(以下简称“结核杆菌”)感染者约17亿人,截至2018年底已发现有1 000多万结核病患者。全球有30个结核病高负担国家,我国也是其中之一,结核病患者数位列全球第二,同时也是全球27个耐药肺结核严重流行的国家之一 ......

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