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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月15日 2022年第9期
     庞涛 张凤 蔺红伟 徐德铎 陶霞 陈万生 陆文铨

    摘 要 医院中药制剂是中医药理论与实践的重要组成部分。医院特色中药制剂还是名医名科名院建设的基础,能带动医院临床和专科特色的发展。随着国家对中医药支持和监管力度的加大,中药生产技术不断优化,中药的质量和功效都迈上了一个新台阶。同时,科学技术的飞速发展也推动了中医药微观层面上的探索与研究,中药的活性物质基础、作用靶点、作用机制和体内代谢过程等不断被发现。本文总结我院20多年来在医院中药制剂研发方面的经验和心得,供我国医院特色中药制剂研发工作者参考。

    关键词 医院中药制剂 辨证论治 质量标志物

    中图分类号:R286; R288 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)09-0011-03

    引用本文 庞涛, 张凤, 蔺红伟, 等. 基于中医辨证理论与临床实践的医院特色中药制剂研发策略[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(9): 11-13.

    Research and development strategy of hospital TCM preparation based on syndrome differentiation and clinical practice

    PANG Tao, ZHANG Feng, LIN Hongwei, XU Deduo, TAO Xia, CHEN Wansheng, LU Wenquan

    [Department of Pharmacy, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University(Shanghai Changzheng Hospital), Shanghai 200003, China]

    ABSTRACT Hospital traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preparation is an important component of TCM theory and practice. Hospital-specific TCM preparation is the foundation for the construction of famous doctors, famous departments and famous hospital and can drive the development of clinical and specialty characteristics of the hospital. With the continuous increasing support and regulation for TCM by state and the continuous optimization of production technology of TCM preparation ......

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