【摘要】本文复习了叶天士医案中有关冲气上逆的病案,主要涉及咳嗽、喘、呕吐、癥瘕、产后等病证。叶氏认为冲气上逆与厥阴、阳明、少阴和冲脉病变密切相关,引起冲气上逆的原因主要有:肝火内郁、奇经虚损、寒饮痰浊、阴液内枯、肾不纳气等,治疗则相应采取疏肝降气、通阳散寒、温通奇经、滋液救焚、温养下元等方法。叶氏的这些经验对我们认识和治疗此类病证有着重要的指导意义。【关键词】叶天士; 冲气上逆
【Abstract】The essay reviews Ye Tianshi’s case records about the reversed flow of ChongQi, covering cough, asthma, vomiting, mass in abdomen, puerperal diseases, etc. Ye Tianshi thinks that the reversed flow of ChongQi is closely related to Jueyin, Yangming, Shaoyin and Chongmai. The causes of the disease include Liverfire stagnation, extraordinary vessels deficiency, cold phlegm and fluid retention, etc, and accordingly treated with soothing Liver and moving Qi downward ,activating Yang and dispersing cold ,warming Qimai, etc. these experiences are of great significance for us to understand and cure such disease.
【Key words】Ye Tianshi;the reversed flow of ChongQi
【中图分类号】R22 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1006-1959(2009)08-0164-02
冲气上逆是指患者自觉有气上冲或气逆攻冲有形可征的病证,与前人所说的“奔豚”相类似,但较“奔豚”范围略广 ......
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