Treatment of encapsulated purulent pleural effusion by using central venous catheter and urokinase injectionZHANG Yan-dong,ZHANG Hua,YUAN Kai
Department of cardiothoracic surgery,the First People's Hospital of Liangshan,Sichuan 615000,China
【Abstract】Objective:To observe the curative effect of treatment of encapsulated purulent pleural effusion by using central venous catheter with ultrasonic guidance and intracvitary urokinase.Methods:Fifty patients with encapsulated empyema were treated with ultrasoundguided drainage by the deep intravenous cannula needle.Results:Fifty patients were cured.The average aspiration volume of pleural fluid is(650±216.8)ml.All fifty cases didn't find pleural fluid increasing again.Conclusion:Using deep intravenous catheter with ultrasonic guidance and adjunctive intracavitary urokinase therapy is a safe and effective method in draining the encapsulated purulent pleural effusion. ......
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