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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月16日 《医学信息》 201415


    Prevention and Nursing Care of Complications in Coma Patients with Nasal Feeding

    ZHU Fang

    (Hubei Institute for Nationalities Affiliated People Hospital,Enshi 445000,Hubei,China)

    Abstract:The prevention and nursing measures of 80 cases of coma patients with nasal feeding complications. Through the strict condition of coma patient observation, to ensure the safety of nursing, diet nursing care of patients with respiratory tract, smooth, strict drug development plan, keep stool smooth and nursing measures, timely detection and correct treatment of the patients with nasal feeding complications, reduce the pain of patients, shorten the hospitalization time, reduce the cost of hospitalization patients, improved patient satisfaction.

    Key words: Coma; Nasal feeding;Complication; Nursing

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