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http://www.100md.com 2015年8月6日 《医学信息》 201531
     摘要:通过问卷等方法对国家队20名女子钢管舞者进行了运动损伤类型、损伤原因调查,结果表明:女子钢管舞者运动运动损伤部位依次为大腿内侧、小腿内侧、大腿后肌群拉伤、颈椎劳损、踝部骨关节病、腰肌劳损。损伤类型包括胼胝、 擦伤、延迟性肌肉酸痛以及瘀伤;大部分损伤部位在下肢;主要为慢性损伤。

    Abstract:In this paper ,twenty female pole dancers of China national team were surveyed with questionnaire to obtain general information, training techniques, severity of injuries ,and injury patterns. Findings show that body injury of pole dancers include the thigh, leg, hand and wrist; types of injury contain callus ......

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