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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月5日 《医学信息》 2017年第5期
     摘要:目的 探讨胸腰段脊柱骨折患者的手术治疗方法与效果。方法 选择我院接诊的胸腰段脊柱骨折患者80例作为研究对象,纳入对象有完整临床资料,符合手术指征,自愿接受手术治疗,根据入路方式不同分为两组,每组40例,前路组采取前路内固定术治疗,后路组采取后路内固定术治疗。观察记录两组临床效果、并发症发生率,以及术前术后Cobb角,并对比分析。结果 前路组临床总有效率稍高于后路组,但比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);前路组并发症发生率为5.00%,显著低于后路组20.00%(P<0.05);两组术前Cobb角比较无明显差异(P>0.05),术后前路组显著低于后路组(P<0.50)。结论 胸腰段脊柱骨折患者采取内固定手术治疗可取得不错效果,但前路内固定效果更佳,安全性更高,值得借鉴。


    Abstract:Objective To explore the method and effect of surgical treatment of patients with thoracolumbar spine fractures.Methods Our hospital admissions of thoracolumbar spine fractures in 80 patients as the research object,the subjects with complete clinical data,with surgical indications, voluntarily accepted surgical treatment,according to the road side and were divided into two groups,each group of 40 cases group,anterior internal fixation by anterior and posterior group treated with posterior fixation treatment.Observe the clinical effect of the two groups,the incidence of complications,and preoperative and postoperative Cobb angle,and comparative analysis.Results The clinical total efficiency is slightly higher than the group of anterior posterior group,but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05) the complications of anterior group;the incidence rate was 5.00%,significantly lower than the posterior group 20.00%(P<0.05);the two group of preoperative Cobb angle had no significant difference(P>0.05), postoperative anterior group was significantly lower than the posterior group(P<0.50).Conclusion The thoracolumbar spine Conclusion patients with internal fixation surgery can achieve good results,but the anterior fixation effect is better,higher security,it is worth learning.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Thoracolumbar spine fracture;Anterior approach;Posterior;Internal fixation


    1 资料与方法

    1.1一般资料 选取2013年3月~2016年3月我院接诊的胸腰段脊柱骨折患者80例,全部患者均有完整临床资料,确诊符合胸腰段脊柱骨折诊断标准[3],根据入路方式均分为两组各40例。前路组:男25例,女15例,年龄20~65岁,平均年龄(45.8±5.3)岁;车祸伤11例,高处坠落伤19例,压砸伤10例。后路组:男26例,女14例,年龄20~63岁,平均年龄(45.3±5.6)岁;车祸伤12例,高处坠落伤19例,压砸伤9例。两组在一般资料上比较无明显差异(P>0.05),有可比性。


    1.2.1前路组 实施前路内固定治疗,全麻后取右侧卧位,从侧前方经胸腔、腹腔或联合入路,给予次全切将骨折椎体切开,完全清理侵入椎管骨折碎片,然后将被压缩椎体撑开,复位后用自体髂骨植骨术处理,透视下确认复位满意为止。, 百拇医药(朱凤君)
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